Egypt Tours for Solo Woman

Egypt Tours for Solo Woman…Can’t Be Missed

During our Egypt tours tailored for solo women, each female traveler will have the unique opportunity to explore the captivating attractions of Egypt alongside a private female Egyptologist tour guide and a dedicated private driver. This personalized service ensures that you can experience the most breathtaking sites across the country, including Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Alexandria, and Hurghada, all while feeling safe and well taken care of.

Throughout these tours, you will have the chance to explore the most iconic attractions, such as the awe-inspiring Giza Pyramids Complex, the fascinating museum, the historical Karnak & Hatshepsut temples, the legendary Valley of the Kings, and the majestic Temples of Abu Simbel, among many other captivating sites in Egypt. Moreover, our solo woman Egypt vacations include delightful Nile river cruises, allowing you to sail along the lifeline of Egypt and discover charming monuments nestled along the riverbanks.

Top-Rated Egypt Tours for Solo Woman Traveler:

We are excited to present to you our carefully curated Solo Woman tours to Egypt, each designed to provide an exceptional and memorable experience. Take a look at the following itineraries, and let us know which one captures your interest the most. Remember, we are more than happy to accommodate any modifications you desire to ensure your dream vacation becomes a reality.

4 Days Egypt Experience For Solo Woman

Embark on an unforgettable journey to Egypt and immerse yourself in the timeless wonders of this ancient land. Our 4-day Egypt Experience for Solo Woman tour offers a safe, enriching, and empowering adventure designed exclusively for female travelers seeking to explore the rich history and culture of Egypt. Join us as we traverse iconic landmarks, unveil archaeological treasures, and experience the warmth of Egyptian hospitality View Tour Details

5 Days Solo Woman Explore Egypt Wonders

Join us on a remarkable 5-day tour through Egypt, tailor-made for adventurous solo women. From the awe-inspiring pyramids of Giza to the captivating temples along the Nile, this journey promises to be an enriching experience. Led by experienced female guides, our tour emphasizes safety and camaraderie, providing the perfect opportunity to forge new friendships while uncovering the enchanting stories of ancient Egypt View Tour Details

6 Days Cairo and Hurghada Solo Woman Tour

Embark on a thrilling 6-day solo woman adventure through the captivating wonders of Egypt! Explore the mystical history of Cairo’s ancient pyramids and temples, then retreat to the sandy shores of Hurghada for a relaxing beach getaway. Led by expert female guides, this exclusive tour offers a safe and empowering experience, tailored for solo women travelers seeking both culture and leisure View Tour Details

7 Days Solo Woman Tour to Essential Egypt 

Embark on a mesmerizing 7-day solo woman adventure to the heart of ancient Egypt. Immerse yourself in the captivating history, culture, and beauty of this timeless land. From the iconic Pyramids of Giza to the serene temples of Luxor, this exclusive tour offers a safe and empowering experience, curated especially for solo women travelers. Led by expert female guides, explore the essential highlights of Egypt and create memories to last a lifetime View Tour Details

8 Days Cleopatra’s Cairo & Nile Cruise Tour for Solo Woman

Embark on an enchanting 8-day solo woman adventure to retrace the footsteps of Cleopatra in the land of the pharaohs. Discover the timeless wonders of Cairo’s pyramids and temples, then set sail on a luxurious Nile cruise to explore ancient treasures along the river’s banks. Led by expert female guides, this exclusive tour offers a safe and empowering experience, specially curated for solo women travelers seeking a blend of history and romance View Tour Details

9 Days Solo Woman Trip To Cairo, Hurghada, and Upper Egypt

Embark on an unforgettable 9-day solo woman adventure through the diverse wonders of Egypt. From the ancient pyramids and bustling bazaars of Cairo to the pristine beaches of Hurghada and the majestic temples of Upper Egypt, this exclusive tour offers a safe and empowering experience for solo women travelers. Led by expert female guides, this comprehensive journey will immerse you in Egypt’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty View Tour Details

12 Days Queen Nefertari Tour for Solo Woman

Embark on a majestic 12-day solo woman adventure to honor the legacies of Egypt’s legendary queens. Follow in the footsteps of Queen Nefertari and other powerful female rulers as you explore ancient temples, pyramids, and historic sites. Led by expert female guides, this exclusive tour offers a safe and empowering experience, curated especially for solo women travelers seeking an immersive journey through Egypt’s rich history and culture View Tour Details

14 Days Solo Woman Journey to Egypt 

Embark on a captivating 14-day solo woman journey through Egypt, a land steeped in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the iconic pyramids of Giza to the tranquil temples of Luxor and the picturesque beaches of Hurghada, this exclusive tour offers an all-encompassing experience. Led by expert female guides, this empowering adventure is tailored for solo women travelers seeking a comprehensive exploration of Egypt’s wonders View Tour Details

Traveler’s Guide: Read This Before You Embark on Your Trip

The Top 25 Types of Egyptian Food

Egypt Travel Tips 2023/2024/2025

List of Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Egypt


Egypt Travel Visa

Everything About the Weather in Egypt

How to Plan A Trip to Egypt

Best Activities In Egypt

General Tips

  • Always wear comfortable shoes.
  • Buy a local SIM card.
  • Carry some of the currency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound.
  • Learn some Arabic words like Shokran, Mn Fadlak.
  • Try the famous Egyptian food like Ful & Ta’meya.
  • Stay Hydrated at all times especially during the summer in Egypt.
  • Friday and Saturday are the official holidays in Egypt.
  • The metro is one of the fastest ways to travel within Cairo.
  • Keep a tour Guide by your side to fully enjoy your time in Egypt.

General Highlights

  • Explore the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx.
  • Shop at Khan El Khalili Bazaar enchanting markets in old Cairo.
  • Behold the holy Islamic & Coptic attractions in Old Cairo.
  • Feel the grandeur of Luxor within its majestic temples & tombs.
  • Rediscover the captivating wonders of the Egyptian Museum.
  • Witness the great Philae and Abu Simbel temples in Aswan.
  • Board a soulful Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan or vice versa.
  • Discover the Natural Allure of Egyptian oases like Siwa or Bahariya.
  • Swim, Dive, and snorkel in Hurghada or cities situated on the Red Sea.

Travelers’ Choice Awards & Recent Reviews

Egypt Tours for Solo Woman FAQs

  1. Are Egypt tours safe for solo women travelers? Egypt is generally safe for solo women travelers, but like any destination, it’s essential to exercise normal travel precautions. Joining a reputable tour and following local customs can enhance safety.
  2. What types of tours are available for solo women travelers in Egypt? Solo women travelers in Egypt can choose from a variety of tours, including cultural tours, historical sightseeing, Nile River cruises, desert adventures, and tailor-made itineraries.
  3. Are English-speaking guides provided during the tours? Yes, most tours in Egypt for solo women travelers include English-speaking guides who offer insights into the country’s history, culture, and attractions.
  4. Can solo women travelers request a private tour or join group tours? Solo women travelers have the option to join group tours, where they can meet other like-minded travelers, or request private tours for a more personalized experience.
  5. Is it safe for solo women travelers to explore attractions in Egypt? Yes, many of Egypt’s attractions are safe for solo women travelers. Tourist sites are well-patrolled and have security measures in place.
  6. What are some must-visit destinations for solo women travelers in Egypt? Solo women travelers in Egypt can explore iconic sites such as the Pyramids of Giza, the Egyptian Museum, Luxor’s temples, Aswan’s historical sites, and the Red Sea coast.
  7. Can solo women travelers visit Egypt’s religious sites? Yes, solo women travelers can visit Egypt’s religious sites, mosques, and temples. When visiting mosques, they should dress modestly and cover their heads.
  8. What type of accommodation is provided for solo women travelers? Solo women travelers can choose from a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels to luxury hotels, based on their preferences and budget.
  9. Are there any cultural norms or dress codes to follow as a solo woman traveler in Egypt? While Egypt is relatively modern, it’s respectful to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites and in more conservative areas.
  10. Can solo women travelers explore the nightlife in Egypt? Egypt has a vibrant nightlife scene, especially in cities like Cairo and Hurghada. However, it’s important to exercise caution and be aware of local customs.
  11. Is it advisable for solo women travelers to use public transportation? Public transportation in Egypt is generally safe, but solo women travelers should be cautious and consider using reputable taxis or ride-hailing services.
  12. Can solo women travelers participate in adventure activities like desert safaris? Yes, solo women travelers can participate in adventure activities, but they should choose reputable tour operators and follow safety guidelines.
  13. Are there opportunities for solo women travelers to meet other travelers during the tours? Yes, group tours provide opportunities for solo women travelers to meet and interact with other travelers from around the world.
  14. What is the best time of year for solo women travelers to visit Egypt? The best time for solo women travelers to visit Egypt is during the cooler months from October to April when the weather is more pleasant for sightseeing.
  15. Are there any specific tips for solo women travelers to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Egypt? Solo women travelers can enhance their safety by staying in well-reviewed accommodations, dressing modestly, avoiding isolated areas at night, and being cautious with personal belongings.
  16. Is it safe for solo women travelers to travel outside of major tourist areas in Egypt? While major tourist areas are generally safe, solo women travelers should exercise increased caution when venturing into more remote or less touristy areas.
  17. Can solo women travelers visit local markets and bazaars in Egypt? Yes, visiting local markets and bazaars can be a delightful experience for solo women travelers to shop for souvenirs and experience Egyptian culture.
  18. What is the best way to book Egypt tours for solo women travelers? Solo women travelers can book Egypt tours through reputable travel agencies, online platforms, or by directly contacting tour operators.
  19. Are there any women-only tours available in Egypt? Some travel agencies offer women-only tours, which can be an option for solo women travelers who prefer to travel with a female-only group.
  20. Can solo women travelers hire female tour guides in Egypt? While female tour guides are less common, some tour operators may offer the option to request a female guide for solo women travelers who prefer it.
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