Best Shore Excursions For Cruises Stop in Alexandria Port in 2023/2024/2025

Alexandria Shore Excursions: An Unmatched Vacation Solution

Welcome to our Alexandria shore excursions of 2023/2024/2025, a magical chance to immerse yourself in the archaeological and historical treasures of Egypt. With us, you will witness the unparalleled beauty and wonder of Cairo, Alexandria, and Luxor, including iconic sites such as the Giza Pyramids complex, Khan El Khalili Bazaar, Valley of the Kings, and many other breathtaking monuments through our amazing shore tours from Alexandria Port.

Top-Rated Alexandria Port Shore Excursions:

Every traveler will have the incredible opportunity to explore iconic sites such as the awe-inspiring Giza Pyramids complex, the vibrant Khan El Khalili Bazaar, the majestic Karnak Temples complex, the magnificent Hatshepsut Temple, and the legendary Valley of the Kings. Additionally, delve into the history of Cairo with visits to the grand Cairo Citadel, the awe-inspiring Abu Simbel Temples, and the mysterious Catacombs. In Alexandria, witness the splendor of Pompei Pillar and the mighty Qaitbay Citadel, among other breathtaking attractions.

Trip to Giza Pyramids And Step Pyramid From Alexandria Port 

Our Giza Pyramids and Step Pyramid tour from Alexandria Port offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of ancient Egypt. Discover the enigmatic Giza Pyramids, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and marvel at the Step Pyramid, an architectural masterpiece dating back over 4,600 years. This immersive journey promises a day filled with wonder and historical significance View Tour Details

Day Trip To Alexandria Sights From Alexandria Port 

Our day trip to Alexandria Sights from Alexandria Port offers a delightful blend of history and modernity. Explore the remnants of the ancient world, stroll along Alexandria’s scenic Corniche, and marvel at architectural masterpieces. This immersive journey promises a day filled with historical significance and cultural appreciation View Tour Details

Cairo Day Tour From Alexandria Port

Our day tour to Cairo from Alexandria Port offers a remarkable insight into Egypt’s ancient and modern heritage. Witness the majesty of the Giza Pyramids, stand in awe of the enigmatic Sphinx, and marvel at the impressive exhibits in the Egyptian Museum. This immersive journey promises a day filled with history, culture, and awe-inspiring sights View Tour Details

2 Days Tour To Cairo And Luxor From Alexandria Port 

Discover the best of Egypt’s ancient wonders with our 2-day tour from Alexandria Port to Cairo and Luxor. Immerse yourself in the mysteries of the Giza Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Then, travel back in time to explore the majestic Karnak Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor View Tour Details

2 Days Tour To Cairo And Alexandria From Alexandria Port

Embark on a captivating 2-day tour from Alexandria Port, exploring the best of Cairo and Alexandria. Witness the awe-inspiring pyramids, encounter ancient pharaohs’ artifacts at the Egyptian Museum, and stroll through the vibrant streets of Cairo. Then, venture to Alexandria to uncover its Mediterranean charm, including the Citadel of Qaitbay, Pompey’s Pillar, and the enchanting Montaza Gardens View Tour Details

2 Days Trip To Pyramids And Cairo from Alexandria Port

Our 2-day trip to Pyramids and Cairo from Alexandria Port offers a unique chance to explore the wonders of Cairo, the vibrant capital of Egypt. Visit the awe-inspiring Giza Pyramids, discover ancient artifacts at the Egyptian Museum, and experience the essence of Cairo’s bustling culture. This immersive journey promises two unforgettable days filled with history, culture, and enchanting sights View Tour Details

Traveler’s Guide: Read This Before You Embark on Your Trip

The Top 25 Types of Egyptian Food

Egypt Travel Tips 2023/2024/2025

List of Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Egypt


Egypt Travel Visa

Everything About the Weather in Egypt

How to Plan A Trip to Egypt

Best Activities In Egypt

General Tips

  • Always wear comfortable shoes.
  • Buy a local SIM card.
  • Carry some of the currency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound.
  • Learn some Arabic words like Shokran, Mn Fadlak.
  • Try the famous Egyptian food like Ful & Ta’meya.
  • Stay Hydrated at all times especially during the summer in Egypt.
  • Friday and Saturday are the official holidays in Egypt.
  • The metro is one of the fastest ways to travel within Cairo.
  • Keep a tour Guide by your side to fully enjoy your time in Egypt.

General Highlights

  • Explore the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx.
  • Shop at Khan El Khalili Bazaar enchanting markets in old Cairo.
  • Behold the holy Islamic & Coptic attractions in Old Cairo.
  • Feel the grandeur of Luxor within its majestic temples & tombs.
  • Rediscover the captivating wonders of the Egyptian Museum.
  • Witness the great Philae and Abu Simbel temples in Aswan.
  • Board a soulful Nile Cruise from Luxor to Aswan or vice versa.
  • Discover the Natural Allure of Egyptian oases like Siwa or Bahariya.
  • Swim, Dive, and snorkel in Hurghada or cities situated on the Red Sea.

Travelers’ Choice Awards & Recent Reviews

Shore Excursions For Cruises Stop in Alexandria Port FAQs

  1. What are shore excursions for cruises that stop in Alexandria Port? Shore excursions for cruises that stop in Alexandria Port are day trips and tours designed for cruise ship passengers to explore nearby attractions and experience the rich history and cultural heritage of Alexandria and its surroundings.
  2. What types of shore excursions are available from Alexandria Port? Alexandria Port offers a variety of shore excursions, including visits to historical landmarks such as the Citadel of Qaitbay and Pompey’s Pillar, exploring the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, touring the Library of Alexandria, and taking trips to Cairo and the Pyramids.
  3. How far is Cairo from Alexandria Port, and is it possible to visit Cairo’s attractions on a shore excursion? Cairo is approximately 220 kilometers (about 137 miles) from Alexandria Port. While it is possible to visit some of Cairo’s attractions on a full-day shore excursion, it’s essential to consider the travel time and the ship’s departure time.
  4. Can I customize my shore excursion itinerary from Alexandria Port? Some tour operators offer the option to customize shore excursion itineraries from Alexandria Port based on specific interests and preferences.
  5. Is it safe to take shore excursions from Alexandria Port? Yes, shore excursions from Alexandria Port are generally safe when booked through reputable tour operators. Cruise lines often work with trusted excursion providers to ensure the safety of their passengers.
  6. Are English-speaking guides provided during the shore excursions? Yes, English-speaking guides are usually provided during shore excursions from Alexandria Port to offer informative insights into the attractions and sites.
  7. What are some popular destinations covered in shore excursions from Alexandria Port? Popular destinations include the Citadel of Qaitbay, the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, Pompey’s Pillar, the Library of Alexandria, and trips to Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza.
  8. How long do the shore excursions usually last? Shore excursions from Alexandria Port can vary in duration, ranging from a few hours to full-day trips, depending on the destination and activities included in the itinerary.
  9. What is the best time to take a shore excursion from Alexandria Port? The best time for shore excursions from Alexandria Port depends on the preferred activities and the weather. The cooler months from October to April are generally more pleasant for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
  10. Can I book a shore excursion independently or should I book through the cruise line? While some travelers choose to book shore excursions independently, it is often recommended to book through the cruise line or reputable tour operators associated with the cruise line for a seamless experience.
  11. Are there age restrictions for participating in shore excursions? Age restrictions can vary depending on the nature of the excursion. Some activities may not be suitable for young children or individuals with certain health conditions.
  12. Are meals provided during shore excursions from Alexandria Port? Meals are typically included in full-day shore excursions, but it may vary depending on the specific itinerary. Check with the tour operator to confirm the inclusions.
  13. What should I wear during shore excursions in Egypt? Dress comfortably and appropriately for the weather and activities. In places like mosques and religious sites, dress modestly, covering your shoulders and knees.
  14. Is it possible to visit multiple destinations in one shore excursion from Alexandria Port? Some tour operators offer combination tours that allow you to visit multiple destinations, such as historical sites and cultural landmarks, within a single shore excursion.
  15. Can I participate in adventure activities like desert safaris or snorkeling during a shore excursion? Adventure activities like desert safaris and snorkeling may not be available directly from Alexandria Port, but nearby ports like Hurghada or Port Said offer such activities.
  16. Can I visit local markets or bazaars during a shore excursion from Alexandria Port? Depending on the itinerary, some shore excursions may include visits to local markets or bazaars where you can shop for souvenirs and experience the local culture.
  17. Is there Wi-Fi access during the shore excursions from Alexandria Port? Wi-Fi access may not be available during the shore excursions themselves, but you can find Wi-Fi at hotels, restaurants, and other tourist spots during scheduled stops.
  18. What is the cancellation policy for shore excursions from Alexandria Port? The cancellation policy can vary among different tour operators. It’s essential to understand the cancellation terms before booking.
  19. How can I book a shore excursion from Alexandria Port? You can book a shore excursion from Alexandria Port through your cruise line’s excursion desk or directly with reputable tour operators offering shore excursions in the area.
  20. Is it advisable to carry local currency during shore excursions from Alexandria Port? While some places may accept major currencies or credit cards, it’s recommended to carry some local currency (Egyptian pounds) for small purchases or tipping during the shore excursions.
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